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Sales & Divestitures


At Watson & Noble, we advise our clients who consider selling or resizing their businesses. Whether selling the whole firm or just divesting specific assets or divisions, the decision has most often irreversible and high-impact effects on the firm and it is conducted in high uncertainty environments. Therefore, the decision must be framed upon the profile of flexibility of the firm in each specific context. A rigorous analysis must, thus, include an accurate valuation of current options and the relevance of future options.


We offer our clients advanced analysis of the sources of flexibility related to their exit or resize options, based on a cutting-edge capital budgeting framework, which is Real Options Valuation.


Our expertise covers diverse situations. It covers situations in which firms sell their assets and cease operations, as well as situations in which firms sell their assets, but continue operations, such as Sale & Leaseback operations. At Watson & Noble, we apply our knowledge to precisely valuate all alternatives and generate value for our clients: We advise on which businesses to divest or disinvest; and we advise on how to divest and disinvest.


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